I actually have a fanart!! *sniff* But I only have one....if you would like to share your Saviors fanart with me and the rest of the fan community email it to me...'cause i just love fanart!! ^.^ Fear, Yeasha, & Wark * AKS - Ahh!! My first piece of fanart!!! This makes me sooo happy!!!! Thank you AKS!!!! Ok, ok...so i requested it...but she was taking requests..and..well...I was desperate..and well...Fanart is fanart!!! This pic is way coolies, so take a looksie! ^.^ Kanki's Plea * Kanki - Lol!! This is a funny pic...it's Kanki latched onto my leg asking me to set her up on a date with wark..heheh... **NEW!**Mr. Goldy * Kanki - I love this picture........heheheheheh....... XP The Chaos Sign * Juuchi - Ok..so it's not "technically" a fanart...but since it directly relates to Chaos I put it up...so bah to you!! Oh, and the green haired girl is an online bud of mine from GirlZ...her name is Leeli... ^.^ Chibi Chaos * Juuchi - Ahhh!! It's soooo cute!! An adorable little chibi of Chaos!! Ahh!! Kawaii!!! ^____^ Plushies * Juuchi - The artist known as Juuchi lying in bed holding onto her precious Chaos & Yamcha plushies...oh just to let you know Yamcha is from an anime called Dragon ball Z..heheh...don't wanna creat any confusion.. ^.^;; Chibi Apocalypse * Juuchi - Total kawaii-ness!! Doesn't he make such a cute chibi!? ^___^ Chaos Kitty * Juuchi - Kawaiines!!!! It's a Chaos kitty!!! Isn't it just adorable!? I love it!! *hugz juuchi* ^-^ Keero * Juuchi - It's Keero! Oi.....she made him look annoyed, yet hot.....hee hee!!!! XD Chaos * Ve - Oi!! More Chaos fanart!! Oi..he looks like he's thinking something evil...heheh.... Yeasha * Hiromi - Yeasha drawn by the very talented Hiromi! Yeasha looks so cute in this pic!!! ^-^ **NEW!**Yeasha Kitty * Leigha - It's Yeasha as a cat girl!!!! Total cuteness!!!!! XD