^.^ Updates ^.^ **9/12/02 - Trying to get used to this new update schedule. I'm still in weekend update mode. *sweatdrop* Anywho! 3 new zany pages are up! Go read them, go laugh, go pee your pants, and then go sign the guestbook! See all of ya next week!!!! =) 9/4/02 - Yea, I know.....I missed my weekend update. Sorry about that, I was out of town. I'm changing the updating schedule to wednesday because it should work out better for me. Believe it or not I don't like to miss my updates. Anywho, now that that's said.....onto the update!!! The Apocalypse Gang continues it's stronghold in the three pages that are up today! Hmmm.....I wonder if it should be called a stronghold or something else.....*blinks*....er.....yea....ENJOY!!! XD 8/23/02 - 3 new pages of extreme insanity and goofiness are up! That translates to: 3 new comic pages featuring the Apocalypse gang are up! Enjoy and please sign the guestbook!! ^____^ 8/16/02 - Contrary to belief I did not fall off the face of the Earth. I missed my update last weekend because I wasn't in town.......It's as simple as that. Now, onto the update for this weekend! The first 4 pages to chapter 15 are up. I love chapter 15. It's soooooooo funny!!!! And if you're a fan of the whole Apocalypse gang you're just gonna love it! Also, I updated the pictures section! There's a new spoiler pic up, so go check that out as well. Hopefully I'll be back with another update next weekend.....Oh, and please sign the guestbook if you haven't done so! =)
7/29/02 - Hey! Yea, I know, I'm a little late with my update. I had a kinda busy/hectic weekend which amounted to me not being on the computer very much. But I'm here now! And I'm here with a good update too! The rest of chapter 14 is up! *dances* That means the covers as well as 4 new pages are up! Also, I cleaned out the links page and put some new links up. So go check out some other great online comics! I'm not sure if I'll be able to update this coming weekend, but we shall see! Enjoy the end of chapter 14! ^___^ 7/19/02 - WARK! LANA! 3 NEW PAGES OF MANGA! Yea, that about sums it up......MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! >D 7/13/02 - 4 new pages of Engineer filled goodness are up! Ok, that translates to:4 new comic pages are up!!! Heheheheh... XP 7/6/02 - 2 new pages of manga and a new fansong up in the fandom area!!! Woooo!!! I love getting fan shtuff!!!!! =) 6/28/02 - Ok, here we go! Three new pages of manga, 1 new fanart, and 1 new spoiler pic! I'm making up for my kinda lazy update last weekend. Enjoy! And Woooooo!!! I'm now 17!!!!! XD 6/22/02 - Small update this week, only two new pages. Guess What!?!? I'm working on finishing up the cover for volume two! That's right, volume two is basically finished!!!! Wooohooo!!!! GO ME!!!!!!! XD
6/15/02 - I return!!! Sorry about my absence last weekend......saturday just kinda whizzed right by me. I was doing a bit of house cleaning and totally forgot. But I'm back now!!! I guess the last update left a bit of a cliffhanger, neh? Well, I can't really say that that I'm not gonna leave you with a cliffhanger now either.....heheheh.....The first few pages of chapter 14 are up! There's also a couple of new backlogged fanarts as well! Enjoy and see ya next weekend!! =) 6/1/02 - Woooooo!! It's already June!!! Almost time for my summer vacation....hee hee!!! Yayness.......Well, the update for today? I finished putting up chapter 13! The covers are up, as well as the last four pages! Enjoy!!! =) 5/25/02 - 3 new pages!!! We're getting near the end of chapter 13!! And there's a new piece of fanart up!! Woooohoooo!!! I just love getting fanart!!!! XD 5/18/02 - 3 new pages are up featuring Apocalypse & Co.! Guess how much I have done of chapter 15!!!! C'mon.......Guess!!!! I have 10 pages done!!! Go me!!! Before I know it I'll be finished with volume 2!!!! Ahhhh!!!! XD 5/11/02 - Four new pages are up! And as for chapter 15....I've finished almost two pages!!! Oh, and I added a link to onlinecomics.net.....It's an online comics search engine....well, I'm off!!! XP 5/4/02 - Three new pages are up!!! I scanned in all of chapter 13 today!!!! GO ME!!! Of course I'm only givin' ya three pages today.....heheheh.....I'm evil like that.... >D Oh!!! And Guess What!? I finished working on chapter 14 on Thursday!!! GO ME AGAIN!!! Yea, April was a very productive month for me Saviors wise.....yup yup!!! Well, see ya next weekend!! ^_^ 4/26/02 - Sorry about my absence last weekend....my eyesight kinda went all blurry and unfocused on me....so...um...yea....It's fine now tho....I think it was due to some medication I was taking, cause I was also getting a lot of nosebleeds too......Well, anywho!!! I'm back!!! And I'm updating a day early!! Wooo!!! Go me!!! There are three new pages up so go check 'em out! See ya next weekend!! ^__^ 4/13/02 - Heya! The first two pages to chapter 13 are up, so go check those out! Also, I put up a new color pic in the pictures area, so go check that out as well! Enjoy the update and I'll see ya guys next weekend! =) 4/6/02 - I'm back on schedule!!! Woohoo!!! Er....yea....the update? Well, the last three pages of chapter 12 are up + the bw & color covers! Wow!! Another chapter is already finished! Personally, I loved chapter 12 I had so much fun working on it and reading over it. Yash & Wark are some of my top fav characters...yup yup!!! Well, see ya guys next weekend with the begining of chapter 13!! ^__^ 4/1/02 - Yea, I know I missed my Saturday update.....oh well....I've decided that I no longer want to work on the comic....yea....I'm dropping it.....I just don't like it.....never really did.....well, I guess this is good bye....see ya sometime.....
3/23/02 - Finally back in service!! I could explain all of my troubles here....but instead I shall send you here. Go there, go to the creator section, click on the tidbits link, and you can read about all of my troubles there.....heheheh....Okie Dokie!!! Now for the update!!! Pages 12-16 of chapter 12 are up! Also, there's a new color spoiler pic up in the pictures section! Well, I'll be back next week with another update! Yipee!!!! XD 3/10/02 - No updates for this week....my stupid scanner isn't working again and my zip drive's not working either....I swear, if it's not one thing it's another...... -___- 3/2/02 - Sorry about my absence last weekend. My scanner decided it didn't want to work, so I couldn't scan the pages for last week's update. But now my scanner is working...YAY!!! *dances* So, because I missed last week's update you get 5 pages of manga!!! Woohoo!!! And you get some spoiler art too!!! So, go and enjoy yourself already!!!
2/17/02 - No updates for this weekend....my grandpa died on Friday and I'm just not in an updating mood....I may update next weekend, but I may not....it depends on how I'm feeling... 2/9/02 - 3 new pages are up! They're full of Yash Goodness.....heheheh... XD 2/2/02 - CHAPTER 12 GOODNESS!!!!! That's right.....chapter 12 is up!! The first three pages are up!!! Yup!! They're full of Wark goodness!! Also, there are two really good looking Wark pics up in the pictures section!!! This is a wonderful Warkful update!! XD
1/26/02 - CHAPTER 11 IS OVER! The last 3 pages and covers are up! Next week begins chapter 12...or as I like to call it "Yash Takes Over"....heheheh... XD 1/19/02 - Ok! 2 new pages of manga! We're almost done with chapter 11!! Woohoo!! Also, to top off this update there's a new spoiler pic in the picture area! It's a character that appears way later in the series...yup... Well, see ya next week with the conclusion to chapter 11!! :) 1/12/02 - First update of the new year!!! Woohoo!!! Ok, a cool little update for today! 2 new pages of manga, new character profile in the info area, & a new entrance image!! Yup....enjoy!!! ;) 12/31/01 - Yes, I know I'm late with my update. I wasn't planning on updating this week, but then I realized I wasn't going to be here next Saturday. O__o; So, you're getting your usual Saturday update now! Two new pages of manga are up! And I also added little pictures to the character page. Yup! Well, enjoy! Oh....and see you in 2002!!! ^-^ 12/24/01 - The holiday present is here!! This was made for not only all of my readers, but especially for my best online bud and #1 fan, KANKI!!! Instead of just adding three more pages of chapter 11, I've put up a 6 page Narrator's Corner!! So go read that and enjoy!!! And I hope you like your Christmas/Birthday present Kanki!!! :) 12/21/01 - Just checking in a day early to say that there won't be an update tomorrow....I've got something special for all of ya', but it's not quite finished....Have patience! 12/15/01 - Whew! Didn't think I was actually gonna update today. I've been busy renting movies and video games from Blockbuster...er...I mean....I've been busy with work stuff...yea....that works....*eyes the room*.... Anywho!! Three new pages of manga are up!! Chaos and Fear fans will enjoy these pages. :) 12/8/01 - Do you like the entrance pic? Heheheheheh....If you want to know whose eye that is then check out the pictures section. Be warned though....unless you want to be majorly spoiled, do not look!! It's a spoiler pic!!! Okie dokie, now onto the manga update!! Three new comic pages are up!!! Yup, enjoy your weekly update!!! ^-^ 12/1/01 - WOW! It's the first of December already!! Before you know it Christmas will be upon us! ^-^ Well, three new pages of manga are up for viewing! Go read them...and until next week....adios!!! 11/24/01 - It's that time of the week!! The first five pages of chapter 11 are up! Also, a new fanfic is up in the fandom section!! Yay! I just love getting fanfics and fanart!! It puts me in a huge saviors drawing mode.....heheheh.... So, go and look at the new comic pages and then go and read the really cool fanfic! ^_^ 11/17/01 - NEW LAYOUT!!! Isn't it just spiffy!? It makes things a little more organized and easier to deal with...well, for me at least. Yes, it is a frames version.....but I just love using frames!!! And yea, otherwise it's basically just the old layout...heheheh.... Ok, ok...I do have an actual update for today...So sit that butt of yours down!! The last three pages of chapter 10 are up! Yay! Woohoo! Celebrate! In addition to that the color cover and the black and white cover are up to! So.....Yay!! Woohoo!! Celebrate!! And now I'm off to go and enjoy my Saturday! Bai Bai! *jumps out the window* 11/9/01 - Three new pages of manga! We're almost at the end of chapter ten! Oh, and I added some new banners to link to me with. They were made by my oh-so-cool friend Chibi. ^_^ 11/3/01 - Woweeeeee!! It's already November! And with this first weekend in November comes three new pages of manga for your enjoyment! They're full of Pimpin' Clown goodness! >D 10/27/01 - Three new pages are up this week! And yes, I know that the pages were down....I'm moving everything over to Tripod right now. Volume two is completely up, so go and read those new pages! I'll slowly put volume one up over this next week.....I'm kinda busy, so it might take me a while. Well, enjoy your new pages! 10/20/01 - This week's update includes three new manga pages and a picture update-with three new pictures-! Yay! It's a double treat! ^_^ 10/13/01 - Time for your weekly update! Four new pages are up in the manga section! Rejoice! Be happy! I put up a new pic for the entrance page. Heheheh....It's warped and unproportional on purpose, I thought it conveyed the mood very well. That's obviously me on the floor, Kanki is the other brown haired girl, and Juuchi is the black haired one...they're my #1 and #2 fans! ^_^ Oh, and a big thank you to everyone that's been visiting the site! It really has been getting a lot of hits lately. Thank you sooooo much!! *huggles for all* 10/6/01 - My God!! It feels good to be back!! Yes!! Woohoo!!! Well, I've got my puter back and I've got a nice new layout too....now we can all be happy! Oh, and there are new pages too! The first 5 pages of chapter 10 are up! Yay!! And here's some more news...THE COMIC WILL BE UPDATED WEEKLY!!! Yes, you heard right! Every Saturday I will update with 3 or more pages. Isn't that spifferific!? Well, I must be off....see you next Saturday!!! ^____^ 8/30/01 - I've updated the Support page. Sorry, but don't expect any larger updates anytime soon...why? Well, right now my computer is in the shop so I'm kinda limited to very minimal updates.....blah!!! :P 8/6/01 - Ack!! I'm sorry that it's been so long!! I would've updated a few weeks ago, but I found out that nbci.com wasn't offering hosting services anymore! So that meant I had to find a new host with a at least 50 mb.....and so I found one....but then they didn't send me my password....so I had to email them....and then about a week later I finally got it! After that I had to upload all of the pages to the new server (which took a long time)...and then my computer decided to be a big butt head and wouldn't log online!! Argh!!! *falls* But after all of that I finally got to make this update!! Finally!!! And it's a good update too!! I updated with the rest of chapter 9!!! Yay!! So, go read that and be happy!! ^___^ I'll be back very soon with even more manga, so keep your eyes peeled! 6/29/01 - I'm back!! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been hard at work on other art projects...but now that I'm done with those other projects I can put more work time into the site and manga!! Wooohooo!! The updates for today are in the fandom section and the picture section. The picture section has been redone and has been broken up into different sections. There's lot's of new pics there so go have a looksie! I also moved the site over to tripod because viewers were having trouble on envy and I was having trouble logging into envy...so I'm here!! Yea, I know there are pop-ups, but if you minimize the pop-up it should never pop-up again...er...does that make sense? *blink* Oh and the 26th was my birthday...yay me!!!! Er..um..*koff* Well, I'm off to go work on some more manga pages!! 5/23/01 - Ack! It's already been over a month since my last update! Well, as you can see there's been a few changes around here. I moved the site from the hell-server known as crosswinds over to envy and nbci. Right now the manga is located on nbci because they allow cross-linking, and envy doesn't...I'll probablly end up moving all of the image related stuff over to nbci (if not the whole site) just to make it easier on you guys (cause it's annoying only being able to look at one image at a time..isn't it?). Okie dokie!! Now, on to the update!!!! There's a nice big update in the manga section...pages 8-16 of chapter nine have been added!! Wooohoo!! New pages!!! It's about time, neh? I'll probablly have some more for ya later this week or in a couple weeks...And the other update is in the fandom section!!! The Saviors has it's first fanfic!! Yay!! Go check it out..it's not what you would expect. ^-^ Also, a new piece of fanart is up too!! It's a really kawaii piece of work. ^___^ Well, that's all for now...I promise to check in very soon, so until then bai-bai!! 4/22/01 - Hola!! Como estas? Bah..why am I talking spanish!? I suck at spanish!!! BLAH!!! Er..um..*koff*..anywho I just wanted to inform all of you that I have created a Yahoo! club for The Saviors. Anyone that remotely enjoys the comic can join...yeppers...and after 3 weeks of not working on the comic I've finally gotten my ass in gear and started working again!! Hopefully I'll have enough pages finished by the end of this week so that I can make an update in the manga section!! ^__^ How did I get my ass in gear? Well, I listened to the music of a kick arse band named 69 Fingers....they have such cool music!! You should all go and download their music and support them!! I love them!!! *koff* Er..um..yea...well I'll be on my way now...laterz! ~.^ 4/18/01 - I'm back!!! How was my trip? Why it was just super!! ^___^ Now, on to the updates!! I've added yet another wonderful piece of fanart done by Juuchi..heheh...Apocalypse!! Er..um..*koff*...I've also added a dreambook so go and sign it!! Please!! I'd like to know you came by to visit!! Oh, and I also added my email address to the main page...in case any of you fans out there couldn't find it before...it's on the site in several places..yeppers...Well, I'm off!! Hopefully I'll get off my lazy little ass and have a manga update for ya all!!...hopefully...*koff*.... 4/13/01 - See I said I'd be back with a content update!! And actually as I make this update it's still the 12th, but oh well...Anywho!! The update today is a brand new section!! That's right...the support section is now up and running!! You can find banners to link back to The Saviors and some links to other cool sites. There's only a little bit in there now, but expect it to grow. Also, a huge update has been made to the fanart section!!! There are four..count 'em...four new fanarts up!! Woohoo!! Yay!!! *grabs her #1 fan, Kanki, and dances* Well, now I must be off!! I shall see you after my vacation, until then...toodles!! ~.^ 4/12/01 - I'm back!! Like the new design? I think it's nice and lively...and it'll be much easier to update than the old one was....Woah! It's been quite a while since I've shown my face around here!! Don't worry I'll try my best to have a content update either tonight or tomorrow...sometime before I go on vacation. Vacation? Yes, I'm heading down to Disneyland Resort tomorrow afternoon and I won't be back until Monday. Yeppers....well I'll check in again very soon...laterz! 3/15/01 - Oi!! I'm back!! And with a brand new section too!! The fandom section is now up!! Yay!! I have fans!! If you would like to contribute to this fandom page then please, e-mail me!!!! ^____^ 3/5/01 - What I have done of chapter 9 is up in the volume two manga section...only 7 pages, but I've been in a bit of a saviors rut....yeppers...I've also decided to add chapters in increments of either 5 or 7 pages...it's easier for me this way. Plus, it means that the site will be updated at least every two weeks...maybe even sooner. ^.^ 2/13/01 - Woohoo!! I'm back with yet another update!! And this one is a grand-daddy..it's the one..the only....Volume One Completion Update!!! *the crowd cheers* Yes, yes..one volume is over and done with!! It's wonderful indeed!!!! I'm sooo very happy!! *wipes a tear from her eye* Actually I was gonna update over the weekend but Crosswinds decided to be a mr. poopy and not let me log in...I'm still plotting of ways to get back at stinky old crosswinds....grr!! Ahem!! Anywho!! Enjoy this grand-daddy update!!! We won't see one like this for a while. ^.^
1/21/01 - Wow...it's not even a whole month later and I have a brand new chapter up for reading!! Impressive, neh? Yeppers...and guess what..I have chapter 8 done too!! But it's not up yet..I'll probablly put it up in a couple of weeks..I gotta spread out my updates so that there wont be these huge three month spands of time in which I don't update. *sweatdrop* I also have some other stuff I need to put up..but we can leave that for another later time. Oh, and if you'd like to send me any comments or fanart or whatever, just give me a buzz. Well, I don't really have any more to say..so..laterz! ~.^ 12/29/00 - Sleep makes the world go round....er...that's not right is it? Hmm...or maybe it is? whether it's right or wrong is not the matter at hand here. The matter at hand here is that...CHAPTER 6 IS NOW UP FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE!!!! yeppers while talking to my friend Kanki I decided to upload what remained, and walla!!! It's here!!! So go on over and check it out in the manga section, k? Well, I'm tired and sick and half way thru chapter 8....so I think I'll be on my way now...nighty night!!! ^.^ 11/24/00 - I'm back!!! I just popped in to tell ya guys that I have a brand new page up!! That's right...the characters page is now up and running, so go check it out, k? Chapter 6 is finished I just have to make copies and then scan it...hopefully it'll be up in a week or two, it's a really nice chapter with a few little extras. ~.^ And now I'm starting work on chapter 7 and then chapter 8...oh, and I also added a counter to the main page (it's a hidden one..heheh..) because I wanna see how many people actually know this comic exists. Well, that's all see ya guys later!! Bye for now!!! ^.^ 10/25/00 - Well, I finally got my nice little suprise up!! Do, you all like it? Are ya all surpirsed? I only told like 2 people that I had something coming for The Saviors, but I wouldn't give any clues. And I never even posted anything about a certain surprise on the site, so it must really be a surprise, eh? Well, I worked hard on this new layout, so I hope that all of you will enjoy it. ^.^ Personally it's like a heavan's sent compared to the old one, but ya see the old one was only made to put one chapter up. *sweatdrop* Yep, I never planned on posting any more chapters, but I got such a good response that I began posting more, and have decided to post up all of the new chapters, pics, and other special stuff!!! Well, I hope you all enjoy the new layout...and the new colored pictures as well!! ^.^ Yep, there's actually new colored pictures!!! Go check em out!!! And as for progress on chapter 6...well..um...it's just a few pages from the end. ^.^; 9/30/00-It took me a whole lot of time and effort, but I was able to move everything over to this crosswinds account of mine. I just got freally fed up with geocities (plus I had used up almost all o my space). So, fot the time being I have moved the manga here. I had to do it. And as for our actual update today? Why the great Chapter 5 was added!!! So go and read the new chapter!!!!! And I promise some nice colored pictures on the way sometime soon. Plus, I might add few more things to make this site a little more enjoyable. Stay tuned, I'm always busy at work! ^.^ 9/6/00-I'm back and ready for action!! Well, actually...I don't want any action..I'm too tired for there to be any action...Anywho! I have a nice, little, different update! I have posted a nice little color pic under the specials section! It's of SB (the GirlZ contest winner), Fear, and Chaos (with a wedgie I might add). It's probably my best colored piece ever...so go check it out! And regarding the contest, if any of you out there that are not part of GirlZ want to participate in a Saviors contest then email me, and I will inform you of whatever contest is being held. Also, I will try and have chapter 5 up very soon. I've decided to put it up without the coictones (so some stuff may seem a little empty). So, expect that up sometime soon. ^.^ And as for chapter 6...let's just say I've started.... 8/21/00-Chapter 4 is up! Don't expect any new Savios for a while...I'm still finishing up chapter 5, I need to order my comictones, and I need to make copies...so it'll be a while before we see another chapter. 8/16/00-I'm back!!! And I have chapter 3 up and running! Sorry girls, no Wark for a while...you'll have to wait for chapter 6..... ^.^ 8/12/00-I added all of chapter 2 for all of you to read, and I put up a little pic of Chaos & Chibi. |